Our Services

Intermediary Services

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We act as the intermediary between two parties in a financial transaction, using our expertise to ensure both organizations complete the deal to mutual satisfaction.

The marketplace houses a myriad of potential lenders and it can be bewildering trying to select the right fit for your business. Our industry expertise and network of valuable contacts enable you to ascertain the right funder and assist you in the completion of a transaction.

Pricing is key, and so too is a trustworthy ongoing relationship, we only endorse funders who assure you of excellent service in both areas.

We act as the intermediary between two parties in a financial transaction, using our expertise to ensure both organizations complete the deal to mutual satisfaction.

The marketplace houses a myriad of potential lenders and it can be bewildering trying to select the right fit for your business. Our industry expertise and network of valuable contacts enable you to ascertain the right funder and assist you in the completion of a transaction.

Pricing is key, and so too is a trustworthy ongoing relationship, we only endorse funders who assure you of excellent service in both areas.

By working with a professional intermediary, you save valuable time throughout the process. A good intermediary acts as your trusted advisor, guiding you through the complexities of various financial products and lenders. We have extensive knowledge of the market, access to a large network of lenders, and the expertise to match your specific business needs with the right financial solutions.


Factoring unlocks the capital held up in your invoices, enabling you to access up to 95% of the invoice value instead of waiting weeks and months for your customers to pay. 

This release of cash allows you to settle supplier bills, pay wages, strategize for expansion, or provide for any other of your business needs. Factoring facilities also provide a credit control function to assist and speed up your collection of payments from customers.

Invoice finance is a powerful way to ease working capital pressures, encourage business growth, and enjoy peace of mind. 

Trade & Purchase Finance

A trade/purchase finance facility works hand in hand with an invoice finance line,  providing cash needed to fulfil purchases. A finance company advances cash needed for the purchase of goods for ongoing sale.

When your supplier is ready to ship the goods, the finance company lends (typically) 70% of the funds required and the goods are released to you by your supplier.

By using purchase orders or trade finance, you have the working capital solution to fulfil orders and grow your business. It gives you credibility in the eyes of your suppliers and encourages consistent supply from them.

Buyer / Seller Representation

Using our due diligence expertise, we take all reasonable care to conduct an investigative exercise when you’re selling or acquiring a business. We take the steps necessary to confirm the legitimacy of the opportunity and access essential information that evidences the true condition of the business you wish to acquire or sell.

When selling your business, due diligence helps you source a buyer with the ideal merit to take on ownership of your company, eliminating any doubts and uncertainty. The due diligence steps undertaken vary as they can be focused on areas of interest, concern, or curiosity. Establishing the commercial value and financial position of the business you wish to purchase requires conducting due diligence during the initial sale process.


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We take you through key areas that should be taken into consideration when conducting due diligence for either selling or buying, these major on…

Financial position– Collecting a detailed view of the companies’ financial history and forecasts.

Buyer transparency – Communicating directly with the buyer/seller to establish any concerns or inquiries, uncovering a true portrayal of the company, and addressing any concerns that may hinder you from submitting or accepting an offer.

Market position– Evaluating existing and future market conditions influenced by policy changes and economic health.

Growth potential – Establishing whether existing targets can be realistically achieved and how far along the road the business needs to travel to achieve them. Taking stock of company assets, investments, subsidiaries, and analysing trends in financial performance, we can accurately gauge the growth potential of the company. 

Due Diligence

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We provide clear, concise due diligence reports for a wide variety of transactions across multiple sectors. Experienced in working on a tight timetable, we will agree on the scope of the review at the outset and communicate with you every step of the way. We take great care to deliver reports that reflect your needs but remain objective. If we uncover critical issues, we bring these to your attention immediately and work with you to evaluate the implications, assessing how best to proceed.


Due diligence provides you with reassurance about the business you are funding or acquiring and helps to identify potential risks. Our due diligence reviews are tailored to each client’s particular requirements, however, we always aim to address the following fundamental questions:


Are there any deal breakers?

  • Is the deal structured in the most appropriate way?
  • What are the underlying profits?
  • What are the underlying cash flows?
  • What working capital requirement exists?
  • Are projections achievable?
  • What are the tax consequences of the deal now and in the future?
  • Are there risks around employment and staffing matters?
  • What warranties and indemnities need to be secured?